The part of the broad ligament investing the uterine (fallopian) tube. [meso- + G. salpinx, trumpet]
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me·so·sal·pinx .mez-ō-'sal-(.)piŋ(k)s, .mēz-, .mēs-, .mes- n, pl -sal·pin·ges -sal-'pin-(.)jēz a fold of the broad ligament investing and supporting the fallopian tube
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a fold of peritoneum that surrounds the Fallopian tubes. It is the upper part of the broad ligament that surrounds the uterus.
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meso·sal·pinx (mez″o-) (me″zo-salґpinks) [meso- + salpinx] [TA] the part of the broad ligament of the uterus above the mesovarium, composed of layers that enclose the uterine tube.Medical dictionary. 2011.