1. The incomplete development of an ovum that has been disorganized. 2. A form of asexual schizogony, typical of sporozoan protozoa, in which the nucleus divides several times before the cytoplasm divides; the schizont divides to form merozoites in this asexual phase of the life cycle. [mero- + G. gone, generation]
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me·rog·o·ny mə-'räg-ə-nē n, pl -nies development of an embryo by a process that is genetically equivalent to male parthenogenesis and that involves segmentation and differentiation of an egg or egg fragment deprived of its own nucleus but having a functional male nucleus introduced
mer·o·gon·ic .mer-ə-'gän-ik adj
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me·rog·o·ny (mə-rogґə-ne) [mero-1 + Gr. gonos procreation] 1. the development of a fragment of a disrupted oocyte. 2. schizogony resulting in the production of merozoites.Medical dictionary. 2011.