
Protrusion of the membranes of the brain or spinal cord through a defect in the skull or spinal column. [meningo- + G. kele, tumor]
- spurious m. an extracranial or extraspinal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid, due to meningeal tear. SYN: traumatic m..
- traumatic m. SYN: spurious m..

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me·nin·go·cele also me·nin·go·coele me-'niŋ-gə-.sēl, mə-'nin-jə- n a protrusion of meninges through a defect in the skull or spinal column (as in spina bifida) forming a cyst filled with cerebrospinal fluid

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see neural tube defects

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me·nin·go·cele (mə-ningґgo-sēl″) [meningo- + -cele1] hernial protrusion of the meninges through a bony defect; the two types are cranial m. and spinal m. See also spina bifida cystica.

Medical dictionary. 2011.