
1. Any spot, line, or other figure on the cutaneous or mucocutaneous surface, visible through difference in color, elevation, or other peculiarity. [A.S. mearc]
- alignment m. marks made in tracings while the kymograph or other recording apparatus is at rest in order to indicate the time relations between two tracings inscribed one above the other, e.g., jugular and radial pulses.
- stretch marks SYN: striae cutis distensae, under stria.

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mark 'märk n
1) a narrow deep hollow on the surface of the crown of a horse's incisor tooth that gradually becomes obliterated by the wearing away of the crown and therefore is indicative of the animal's age and usu. disappears from the lower central incisors about the sixth year while traces may remain in the upper until the eleventh
2) an impression or trace made or occurring on something see BIRTHMARK, STRAWBERRY MARK
3) a cut (as an ear notch) made on livestock for identification
marked adj

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(mahrk) a spot, blemish, or other circumscribed area visible on a surface, particularly on the skin or mucous membrane.

Medical dictionary. 2011.