
See α-d-glucosidase.
- acid m. SYN: exo-1,4-α-d-glucosidase.

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malt·ase 'mȯl-.tās, -.tāz n an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of maltose to glucose

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an enzyme, present in saliva and pancreatic juice, that converts maltose into glucose during digestion.

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mal·tase (mawlґtās) 1. α-glucosidase. 2. any enzyme with similar glycolytic activity, cleaving α-1,4 or sometimes α-1,6 linked glucose residues from nonreducing termini; in humans there are considered to be four such enzymes. Two are the heat-stable enzymes usually called maltases, constituting the glucoamylase complex (q.v.); the other two are the heat-labile enzymes more commonly called sucrase and α-dextrinase that constitute the sucrase-isomaltase complex (q.v.).

Medical dictionary. 2011.