
The formation of lymphatic tissue. [lympho- + G. poiesis, a making]

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lym·pho·poi·e·sis .lim(p)-fə-pȯi-'ē-səs n, pl -e·ses -.sēz the formation of lymphocytes or lymphatic tissue
lym·pho·poi·et·ic -pȯi-'et-ik adj

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the process of the production of lymphocyte, which occurs in the bone marrow as well as in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and gut wall. The precursor cell from which lymphocytes are derived has not yet been identified.

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lym·pho·poi·e·sis (lim″fo-poi-eґsis) [lympho- + -poiesis] 1. the development of lymphatic tissue. 2. lymphocytopoiesis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.