- carbohydrate l. a procedure, popular with long-distance runners and other athletes, of filling muscles with a large glycogen pool prior to an athletic event; often, the athlete consumes very few carbohydrates for three days, followed by a largely carbohydrate diet for the last three days before the event.
- salt l. the administration of 2 g of sodium chloride (with a regular diet) 3 times a day for 4 days; a diagnostic test in primary aldosteronism, in which the salt l. produces a typical plasma electrolyte and hormonal pattern.
- soda l. a procedure adopted by a number of athletes of ingesting sodium bicarbonate in an attempt to buffer the production of protons during exercise.
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load·ing n
1 a) the amount or degree to which something is or can be loaded
b) administration of a factor or substance to the body or a bodily system in sufficient quantity to test capacity to deal with it
2) the relative contribution of each component factor in a psychological test or in an experimental, clinical, or social situation
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load·ing (lōdґing) 1. administering sufficient quantities of a substance to test the subject's ability to metabolize it, as in the histidine loading test. 2. the exertion of lengthening force on a body part such as a muscle or ligament.Medical dictionary. 2011.