
1. Any liquid or fluid. 2. A term used for certain body fluids. 3. The pharmacopoeial term for any aqueous solution (not a decoction or infusion) of a nonvolatile substance and for aqueous solutions of gases. SEE ALSO: solution. [L.]
- l. amnii SYN: amnionic fluid.
- l. cerebrospinalis [TA] SYN: cerebrospinal fluid.
- l. cotunnii SYN: perilymph.
- l. entericus intestinal secretions.
- l. folliculi the fluid within the antrum of the ovarian follicle.
- malt l. a beverage brewed from malt, such as beer or ale.
- Morgagni l. a fluid found postmortem between the epithelium and the fibers of the lens, resulting from the liquefaction of a semifluid material existing there during life. SYN: Morgagni humor.
- mother l. the saturated solution remaining after a crystallization or precipitation.
- Scarpa l. SYN: endolymph.
- spirituous l. a strong alcoholic l. obtained by distillation, such as whiskey.
- vinous l. SYN: wine (1).

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li·quor 'lik-ər n a liquid substance: as
a) a usu. distilled rather than fermented alcoholic beverage
b) a solution of a medicinal substance usu. in water compare TINCTURE
c) BATH (2b(1))

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(in pharmacy) any solution, usually an aqueous solution.

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li·quor (likґər) (liґkwor) pl. liquors, liquoґres [L.] 1. a liquid, especially an aqueous solution containing a medicinal substance. 2. a general term used in anatomical nomenclature for certain fluids of the body. See also fluid, liquid, and solution.

Medical dictionary. 2011.