
To exude from or pass through the walls of a vessel into the surrounding tissues. Blood, lymph, or urine can extravasate. From the Latin "extra" (out of) + "vas" (vessel) = out of a vessel.
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1. To exude from or pass out of a vessel into the tissues, said of blood, lymph, or urine. 2. The substance thus exuded. SYN: extravasation (2), suffusion (4). [L. extra, out of, + vas, vessel]

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ex·trav·a·sate ik-'strav-ə-.sāt, -.zāt vb, -sat·ed; -sat·ing vt to force out or cause to escape from a proper vessel or channel <extravasated blood> vi to pass by infiltration or effusion from a proper vessel or channel (as a blood vessel) into surrounding tissue
extravasate n EXTRAVASATION (2a)

Medical dictionary. 2011.