
: An operation to remove a portion of the esophagus.
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Excision of all or any part of the esophagus. [esophagus + G. ektome, excision]
- Ivor Lewis e. commonly used approach for e. via laparotomy and right thoracotomy, with intrathoracic anastomosis.
- three-incision e. e. via laparotomy, right chest and cervical incisions.
- transhiatal e. resection of the esophagus from a cervical incision from above and transhiatal approach through an abdominal incision from below.
- transthoracic e. resection of the esophagus through a thoracotomy incision.

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esoph·a·gec·to·my or chiefly Brit oe·soph·a·gec·to·my i-.säf-ə-'jek-tə-mē n, pl -mies excision of part of the esophagus

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esoph·a·gec·to·my (ə-sof″ə-jekґtə-me) [esophag- + -ectomy] excision of part (partial) or all (total) of the esophagus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.