
1. The act or process of insufflating. 2. SYN: inhalant (3).
- perirenal i. an obsolete technique involving injection of air or carbon dioxide about the kidneys for radiography of the adrenal glands.
- peritoneal i. the administration of a gas, usually carbon dioxide, within the peritoneal cavity to facilitate laparoendoscopic procedures.

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in·suf·fla·tion .in(t)-sə-'flā-shən, in-.səf-'lā- n the act of blowing something (as a gas, powder, or vapor) into a body cavity <\insufflation of gas into a fallopian tube to determine its patency>
in·suf·flate 'in(t)-sə-.flāt, in-'səf-.lāt vt

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the act of blowing gas or a powder, such as a medication, into a body cavity.

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in·suf·fla·tion (in″sə-flaґshən) [L. in into + sufflatio a blowing up] 1. the act of blowing a powder, vapor, gas, or air into a body cavity. Cf. infusion (def. 3). 2. finely powdered or liquid drugs carried into the respiratory passages by such devices as aerosols.

Medical dictionary. 2011.