Inactive; sluggish; painless or nearly so, said of a morbid process. [L. in- neg. + doleo, pr. p. dolens (-ent-), to feel pain]
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in·do·lent 'in-də-lənt adj
1) causing little or no pain <an \indolent tumor>
2 a) growing or progressing slowly <leprosy is an \indolent infectious disease>
b) slow to heal <an \indolent ulcer>
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describing a disease process that is failing to heal or has persisted. The term is applied particularly to ulcers of skin or mucous membrane.
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in·do·lent (inґdo-lənt) [L. in not + dolens painful] 1. causing little pain, as an indolent lesion. 2. slow growing, as an indolent tumor.Medical dictionary. 2011.