To render fixed or incapable of moving. [L. in- neg. + mobilis, movable]
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im·mo·bi·lize also Brit im·mo·bi·lise im-'ō-bə-.līz vt, -ized also Brit -ised; -iz·ing also Brit -is·ing to make immobile esp to fix (as a body part) so as to reduce or eliminate motion usu. by means of a cast or splint, by strapping, or by strict bed rest <immobilizing a fractured bone by a cast and continuous traction> <\immobilize an injury> <\immobilize all patients with a suspected neck or spine injury>
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im·mo·bi·lize (ĭ-moґbĭ-līz) [in-2 + mobilis movable] to render incapable of being moved, as by a cast or splint.Medical dictionary. 2011.