
Collection of idiotopes within the variable region that confers on an immunoglobulin molecule an antigenic “individuality” and is frequently a unique attribute of a given antibody in a given animal. It is the product of a limited number of B lymphocyte clones; also found on the T-cell receptor. See idiotope. [idio- + G. typos, model]

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id·io·type 'id-ē-ə-.tīp n the molecular structure and conformation in the variable region of an immunoglobulin that confers its antigenic specificity compare ALLOTYPE, ISOTYPE
id·io·typ·ic .id-ē-ə-'tip-ik adj

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id·io·type (idґe-o-tīpґ) a set of one or more idiotopes that distinguish a clone of immunoglobulin-producing cells from other clones. Idiotypes occur in the variable domains of immunoglobulin molecules and may be within, near to, or outside of the antigen-binding site; antibodies to idiotypes located within or near to the antigen-binding site will prevent the immunoglobulin from combining with antigen. idiotypic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.