
Incision of the uterus. SYN: metrotomy, uterotomy. [hystero- + G. tome, incision]
- abdominal h. transabdominal incision into the uterus. SYN: abdominohysterotomy.
- vaginal h. incision into the uterus via the vagina. SYN: colpohysterotomy.

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hys·ter·ot·o·my .his-tə-'rät-ə-mē n, pl -mies surgical incision of the uterus esp CESAREAN SECTION

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an operation for removal of the fetus by incision of the uterus through the abdomen before the 24th week of gestation; after this time the operation is called Caesarean section. Hysterotomy is now rarely performed owing to improvements in the efficiency of drugs now available for inducing abortion, e.g. mifepristone.

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hys·ter·ot·o·my (his″tər-otґə-me) [hystero- + -tomy] incision of the uterus, usually for delivery of a fetus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.