
Instead of using a scalpel, the surgeon utilizes a heat-generating electrical device to burn or vaporize tissue in order to remove it and minimize and halt bleeding.
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Division of tissues by high frequency current applied locally with a metal instrument or needle. SEE ALSO: electrocautery. SYN: electrotomy.

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elec·tro·sur·gery i-.lek-trō-'sərj-(ə-)rē n, pl -ger·ies surgery by means of diathermy
elec·tro·sur·gi·cal -'sər-ji-kəl adj

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the use of a high-frequency electric current from a fine wire electrode (a diathermy knife) to cut tissue. The ground electrode is a large metal plate. When used correctly, little heat spreads to the surrounding tissues, in contrast to electrocautery.

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elec·tro·sur·gery (e-lek″tro-surґjər-e) surgical procedures performed using an electrocautery; called also surgical diathermy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.