
To ejaculate is to release semen during an orgasm in a male. The ejaculate (used as a noun) is the semen.
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1. To expel suddenly. 2. Semen expelled in ejaculation. [see ejaculation]

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ejac·u·late i-'jak-yə-.lāt vb, -lat·ed; -lat·ing vt
1) to eject from a living body specif to eject (semen) in orgasm vi to eject a fluid (as semen)
ejac·u·la·tor -.lāt-ər n
ejac·u·late -lət n the semen released by one ejaculation

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ejac·u·late1 (e-jakґu-lāt) to expel suddenly, especially semen.

Medical dictionary. 2011.