
The state of being homologous.
- h. of chains the degree of similarity between the base sequences of strands of two DNAs. SYN: h. of strands.
- DNA h. the degree (or percentage) of hybridization capable between the DNA of different microorganisms.
- h. of strands SYN: h. of chains.

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ho·mol·o·gy hō-'mäl-ə-jē, hə- n, pl -gies
1 a) likeness in structure between parts of different organisms due to evolutionary differentiation from the same or a corresponding part of a remote ancestor compare ANALOGY, HOMOMORPHY
b) correspondence in structure between different parts of the same individual
2 a) the relation existing between chemical compounds in a series whose successive members have in composition a regular difference esp. of one carbon and two hydrogen atoms CH2
b) the relation existing among elements in the same group of the periodic table
c) similarity of nucleotide or amino acid sequence (as in nucleic acids or proteins)

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ho·mol·o·gy (ho-molґə-je) [Gr. homologia agreement] the quality of being homologous; the morphological identity of corresponding parts; structural similarity due to descent from a common form.

Medical dictionary. 2011.