
A state of immunologic similarity (or identity) that permits successful homograft transplantation.

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his·to·com·pat·i·bil·i·ty 'his-(.)tō-kəm-.pat-ə-'bil-ət-ē n, pl -ties often attrib a state of mutual tolerance between tissues that allows them to be grafted effectively see MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX
his·to·com·pat·ible -kəm-'pat-ə-bəl adj

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the form of compatibility that depends upon tissue components, mainly specific glycoprotein antigens in cell membranes. A high degree of histocompatibility is necessary for a tissue graft or organ transplant to be successful.
histocompatible adj.

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his·to·com·pa·ti·bil·i·ty (his″to-kəm-pat″ĭ-bilґĭ-te) 1. the quality or state of being histocompatible. 2. the degree to which two individuals are histocompatible.

Medical dictionary. 2011.