
Tough white fibrous tissue. The tunica albuginea of the testis, for example, is the layer of dense whitish inelastic tissue that surrounds the testis.
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A white fibrous tissue layer, such as the tunica a.. See tunica a., tunica a. of corpus spongiosum, tunica a. of corpora cavernosa, tunica a. oculi, tunica a. of testis. [L. albugineus, fr. albugo, white spot]

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al·bu·gin·ea .al-b(y)ə-'jin-ē-ə n, pl al·bu·gin·e·ae -ē-.ī, -.ē TUNICA ALBUGINEA

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al·bu·gin·ea (al″bu-jinґe-ə) [L., from albus white] tunica albuginea, particularly the tunica albuginea testis; see entries under tunica.

Medical dictionary. 2011.