- paroxysmal nocturnal h. an acquired hematopoietic stem cell disorder characterized by formation of defective platelets, granulocytes, erythrocytes, and possibly lymphocytes. The red cell abnormality causes complement-mediated intravascular lysis, which may be expressed in an irregular or even occult manner.
- puerperal h. SYN: postparturient hemoglobinuria.
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he·mo·glo·bin·emia or chiefly Brit hae·mo·glo·bin·ae·mia -.glō-bə-'nē-mē-ə n the presence of free hemoglobin in the blood plasma resulting from the solution of hemoglobin out of the red blood cells or from their disintegration
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he·mo·glo·bin·emia (he″mo-glo″bin-eґme-ə) the presence of free hemoglobin in the blood plasma, an indication of significant intravascular hemolysis.Medical dictionary. 2011.