An instrument for presenting separate views to each eye so that they may be seen as one. [haplo- + G. skopeo, to view]
- mirror h. a h. using mirrors to displace the field of view of the two eyes, as in Worth amblyoscope and the synoptophore.
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hap·lo·scope 'hap-lə-.skōp n a simple stereoscope that is used in the study of depth perception
hap·lo·scop·ic .hap-lə-'skäp-ik adj
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hap·lo·scope (hapґlo-skōp) [haplo- + -scope] an instrument that presents two separate views to the two eyes so that the views may be seen as one integrated view; it is used to measure, test, or stimulate various binocular functions. haploscopic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.