
A fibrous cord connecting two structures. A mesenchymal column of tissue that connects the fetal testis to the developing scrotum; it appears to play a role in testicular descent. SYN: g. testis. [L. a helm]
- g. dentis a connective tissue band uniting the tooth sac with the gum.
- Hunter g. obsolete term for g. testis.
- g. testis SYN: g..

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gu·ber·nac·u·lum .gü-bər-'nak-yə-ləm n, pl -la -lə a part or structure that serves as a guide esp a fibrous cord that connects the fetal testis with the bottom of the scrotum and by failing to elongate in proportion to the rest of the fetus causes the descent of the testis

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n. (pl. gubernacula)
either of a pair of fibrous strands of tissue that connect the gonads to the inguinal region in the fetus. In the male they guide and possibly move the testes into the scrotum before birth. In the female the ovaries descend only slightly within the abdominal cavity and the gubernacula persist as the round ligaments connecting the ovaries and uterus to the abdominal wall.

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gu·ber·nac·u·lum (goo″bər-nakґu-ləm) pl. gubernaґcula [L. “helm, rudder”] a structure that guides. gubernacular adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.