- appositional g. g. accomplished by the addition of new layers on those previously formed; e.g., the addition of lamellae in the formation of bone; it is the characteristic method of g. when rigid materials are involved.
- differential g. different rates of g. in associated tissues or structures; used especially in embryology when the differences in g. rates result in changing the original proportions or relations.
- exponential g. logarithmic phase.
- interstitial g. g. from a number of different centers within an area; in contrast with appositional g., it can occur only when the materials involved are nonrigid.
- intussusceptive g. SYN: auxetic g..
- new g. SYN: neoplasm.
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growth 'grōth n
1 a ) (1) a stage in the process of growing (2) full growth
b) the process of growing
2 a) something that grows or has grown
b) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as a tumor)
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(grōth) 1. a normal process of increase in size of an organism as a result of accretion of tissue similar to that originally present. Cf. differentiation. 2. an abnormal formation, such as a tumor. 3. the proliferation of cells, as in a bacterial culture.Medical dictionary. 2011.