
A form of fibrous joint in which a peglike process fits into a hole, as the root of a tooth into the socket in the alveolus. SYN: articulatio dentoalveolaris, dentoalveolar joint, gompholic joint, peg-and-socket articulation, peg-and-socket joint, socket. [G. gomphos, bolt, nail, + -osis, condition]

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gom·pho·sis gäm-'fō-səs n an immovable articulation in which a hard part is received into a bone cavity (as the teeth into the jaws)

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a form of synarthrosis (immovable joint) in which a conical process fits into a socket. An example is the joint between the root of a tooth and the socket in the jawbone.

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gom·pho·sis (gom-foґsis) [Gr. gomphōsis a bolting together] 1. [TA] a type of fibrous joint in which a conical process is inserted into a socketlike portion, such as the styloid process in the temporal bone, or the teeth in the dental alveoli. Called also socket. 2. TA alternative for syndesmosis dentoalveolaris.

Medical dictionary. 2011.