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glu·co·neo·gen·e·sis .glü-kə-.nē-ə-'jen-ə-səs n, pl -e·ses -.sēz formation of glucose within the animal body from precursors other than carbohydrates esp. by the liver and kidney using amino acids from proteins, glycerol from fats, or lactate produced by muscle during anaerobic glycolysis called also glyconeogenesis
glu·co·neo·gen·ic -'jen-ik adj
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the biochemical process in which glucose, an important source of energy, is synthesized from non-carbohydrate sources, such as amino acids. Gluconeogenesis occurs mainly in the liver and kidney and meets the needs of the body for glucose when carbohydrate is not available in sufficient amounts in the diet.
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glu·co·neo·gen·e·sis (gloo″ko-ne″o-jenґə-sis) [gluco- + neo- + -genesis] the formation of glucose from molecules that are not themselves carbohydrates, as from amino acids, lactate, and the glycerol portion of fats. Called also glyconeogenesis. gluconeogenetic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.