
To cut apart or separate tissue as, for example, for anatomical study or in surgery. An artery is said to dissect when its wall is torn.
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1. To cut apart or separate the tissues of the body for study. 2. In an operation, to separate the different structures along natural lines by dividing the connective tissue framework. [L. dis-seco, pp. -sectus, to cut asunder]

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dis·sect dis-'ekt; dī-'sekt, 'dī-. vt to cut so as to separate into pieces or to expose the several parts of (as an animal or a cadaver) for scientific examination specif to separate or follow along natural lines of cleavage (as through connective tissue) <\dissect out the regional lymph nodes> <a \dissecting aneurysm> vi to make a medical dissection
dis·sec·tor -ər n

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dis·sect (dĭ-sektґ) (di-sektґ) [L. dissecare to cut up] 1. to cut apart or separate, as by surgery or trauma. 2. to expose structures of a cadaver for anatomical study.

Medical dictionary. 2011.