
Establishment of a direct communication between the stomach and the jejunum. SYN: gastronesteostomy. [gastro- + jejunum G. stoma, mouth]

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gas·tro·je·ju·nos·to·my -ji-(.)jü-'näs-tə-mē n, pl -mies the surgical formation of a passage between the stomach and jejunum: GASTROENTEROSTOMY

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a surgical operation in which the jejunum is joined to an opening made in the stomach. This is done in preference to gastroduodenostomy if the latter operation is technically difficult or in special operations to avoid a backflow of bile into the stomach.

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gas·tro·je·ju·nos·to·my (gas″tro-jə-joo-nosґtə-me) [gastro- + jejunostomy] 1. a gastroenterostomy between the stomach and the jejunum. 2. the anastomosis so created.

Medical dictionary. 2011.