The 2-amino-2-deoxy derivative of galactose, in which the NH2 replaces the 2-OH group; the d-isomer occurs in various mucopolysaccharides, notably of chondroitin sulfuric acid and of B blood group substance; usually found as the N-acetyl derivative.
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ga·lac·tos·amine gə-.lak-'tō-sə-.mēn, -zə- n an amino derivative C6H13O5N of galactose that occurs in cartilage
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gal·ac·to·sa·mine (gal″ak-toґsə-mēn) the amino sugar derivative of galactose, substituted at the 2 position; it occurs in a variety of glycosaminoglycans and complex polysaccharides, such as blood group substances, and is generally acetylated.Medical dictionary. 2011.