
Production of fibrous tissue, usually implying an abnormal increase of nonneoplastic fibrous tissue. [fibro- + G. plasis, a molding]
- retrolental f. SYN: retinopathy of prematurity.

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fi·bro·pla·sia .fī-brə-'plā-zh(ē-)ə n the process of forming fibrous tissue (as in wound healing)
fi·bro·plas·tic -'plas-tik adj

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the production of fibrous tissue, occurring normally during the healing of wounds. Retrolental fibroplasia is the abnormal proliferation of fibrous tissue immediately behind the lens of the eye, leading to blindness. It is most commonly seen in newborn preterm infants, in whom it is associated with high concentrations of inhaled oxygen.

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fi·bro·pla·sia (fi″bro-plaґzhə) the formation of fibrous tissue, as occurs normally in the healing of wounds and abnormally in some tissues.

Medical dictionary. 2011.