1. An arrangement in the form of fasciculi. 2. Involuntary contractions, or twitchings, of groups (fasciculi) of muscle fibers, a coarser form of muscular contraction than fibrillation.
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fas·cic·u·la·tion fə-.sik-yə-'lā-shən, fa- n muscular twitching involving the simultaneous contraction of contiguous groups of muscle fibers
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brief spontaneous contraction of a few muscle fibres, which is seen as a flicker of movement under the skin. It is most often associated with disease of the lower motor neurones (e.g. motor neurone disease). Fasciculation may be seen in the calf muscles of normal individuals.
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fas·cic·u·la·tion (fə-sik″u-laґshən) 1. the formation of fasciculi. 2. a small local contraction of muscles, visible through the skin, representing a spontaneous discharge of a number of fibers innervated by a single motor nerve filament.Medical dictionary. 2011.