
The number of chromosomes in most cells of the body. This number is 46 in humans. It is naturally twice the haploid number of 23 chromosomes contained in human eggs (ova) and sperm.
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Denoting the state of a cell containing two haploid sets derived from the father and from the mother respectively; the normal chromosome complement of somatic cells (in humans, 46 chromosomes). [diplo- + G. eidos resemblance]

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dip·loid 'dip-.lȯid adj having the basic chromosome number doubled
dip·loi·dy -.lȯid-ē n, pl -dies
diploid n a single cell, individual, or generation characterized by the diploid chromosome number

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describing cells, nuclei, or organisms in which each chromosome except the Y sex chromosome is represented twice. Compare haploid, triploid.
diploid n.

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dip·loid (dipґloid) [Gr. diploos twofold] having two sets of chromosomes, as normally found in the somatic cells of eukaryotes. In humans, the diploid number, 2n>, is 46. Cf. haploid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.