1. SYN: exhalation (1). 2. A death. [L. expiro or ex-spiro, pp. -atus, to breathe out]
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ex·pi·ra·tion .ek-spə-'rā-shən n
1 a ) (1) the act or process of releasing air from the lungs through the nose or mouth: exhalation (2) the escape of carbon dioxide from the body protoplasm (as through the blood and lungs or by diffusion)
2) something produced by breathing out
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1. the act of breathing out air from the lungs: exhalation.
2. dying.
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ex·pi·ra·tion (ek″spĭ-raґshən) [ex- + L. spirare to breathe] 1. exhalation (def. 1, 2, or 3). 2. termination, or death.Medical dictionary. 2011.