1. A change from liquid to vapor form. 2. Loss of volume of a liquid by conversion into vapor. SYN: volatilization. [L. e, out, + vaporo, to emit vapor]
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evap·o·ra·tion i-.vap-ə-'rā-shən n the change by which any substance is converted from a liquid state into and carried off in vapor specif the conversion of a liquid into vapor in order to remove it wholly or partly from a liquid of higher boiling point or from solids dissolved in or mixed with it
evap·o·rate i-'vap-ə-.rāt vb, -rat·ed; -rat·ing
evap·o·ra·tor -.rāt-ər n
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evap·o·ra·tion (e-vap″o-raґshən) [L. e out + vaporare to steam] conversion of a liquid or solid into vapor.Medical dictionary. 2011.