The parts of chromosomes that, during interphase, are uncoiled dispersed threads and not stained by ordinary dyes; metabolically active, in contrast to the inert heterochromatin.
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eu·chro·ma·tin (')yü-'krō-mət-ən n the genetically active portion of chromatin that is largely composed of genes
eu·chro·mat·ic .yü-krō-'mat-ik adj
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chromosome material (see chromatin) that stains most deeply during mitosis and represents the major genes. Compare heterochromatin.
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eu·chro·ma·tin (u-kroґmə-tin) [eu- + chromatin] the form of chromatin that is genetically active and constitutes the majority of the chromosomes; it is relatively uncoiled and stains lightly during interphase and condenses and stains more darkly during nuclear division. Cf. heterochromatin. euchromatic adjMedical dictionary. 2011.