
Dermabrasion is a surgical procedure that involves the controlled abrasion (wearing away) of the upper layers of the skin with sandpaper or other mechanical means. The purpose of dermabrasion is to smoothen the skin and, in the process, remove small scars (as from acne), moles (nevi), tattoos or fine wrinkles. The term "dermabrasion" comes from the Greek "derma", skin + the Latin " abrasio", wearing away = wearing away the skin.
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Operative procedure to efface acne scars or pits performed with sandpaper, rotating wire brushes, or other abrasive materials.

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derm·abra·sion .dər-mə-'brā-zhən n surgical removal of skin blemishes or imperfections (as scars or tattoos) by abrasion (as with sandpaper or wire brushes)

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derm·abra·sion (dur″mə-braґzhən) planing of the skin by mechanical means, as by fine sandpaper or wire brushes. See planing.

Medical dictionary. 2011.