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Resembling the Greek letter delta (Δ); triangular. [G. deltoeides, shaped like the letter delta]
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del·toid 'del-.tȯid n a large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint, serves to raise the arm laterally, arises from the upper anterior part of the outer third of the clavicle and from the acromion and spine of the scapula, and is inserted into the outer side of the middle of the shaft of the humerus called also deltoid muscle see DELTOID TUBEROSITY
deltoid adj relating to, associated with, or supplying the deltoid <the \deltoid branch of the thoracoacromial artery>
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a thick triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint. It is responsible for raising the arm away from the side of the body.
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del·toid (delґtoid) [L. deltoides triangular] triangular in outline, as the deltoid muscle.Medical dictionary. 2011.