
1. Degenerative change in elastic tissue. 2. Degeneration of collagen fibers, with altered staining properties resembling elastic tissue. SYN: elastoid degeneration (1), elastotic degeneration.
- e. colloidalis conglomerata SYN: colloid milium.
- e. dystrophica SYN: angioid streaks, under streak.
- e. perforans serpiginosa circinate groups of asymptomatic keratotic papules; the epidermis is thickened around a central plug of dermal elastic tissue which is extruded through the epidermis.
- solar e. e. seen histologically in the sun-exposed skin of the elderly or in those who have chronic actinic damage.

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elas·to·sis i-.las-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz a condition marked by loss of elasticity of the skin in elderly people due to degeneration of connective tissue

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degeneration of the yellow fibres in connective tissues and skin (see elastic tissue).

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elas·to·sis (e″las-toґsis) 1. degeneration of elastic tissue. 2. elastoid degeneration; degenerative changes seen in the connective tissue of the skin or conjunctiva, in which collagen is replaced by a material that has the staining properties of elastin but is resistant to elastase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.