
Death rate
The number of deaths in the population divided by the average population (or the population at midyear) is the crude death rate. In 1994, for example, the crude death rate per 1,000 population was 8.8 in the United States, 7.1 in Australia, etc. A death rate can also be tabulated according to age or cause.

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death rate n the ratio of deaths to number of individuals in a population usu. expressed as number of deaths per hundred or per thousand population for a given time

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a rate expressing the number of deaths in a population at risk. The crude death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths in a geographic area in one year divided by the average or midyear population in the area during the year. An age-specific death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths occurring in a specified age group in one year to the average or midyear population of that group. A cause-specific death rate is the ratio of the number of deaths due to a specified cause in one year to the average or midyear total population. Called also mortality r.

Medical dictionary. 2011.