
A pyogenic infection of the skin initiated by β-hemolytic streptococci and characterized by adherent crusts beneath which ulceration occurs; the ulcers may be single or multiple, and heal with scar formation. [G. a pustule]
- contagious e. SYN: orf.
- e. gangrenosum SYN: dermatitis gangrenosa infantum.

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ec·thy·ma ek-'thī-mə n
1) a cutaneous eruption marked by large flat pustules that have a hardened base surrounded by inflammation, heal with pigmented scar formation, and occur esp. on the lower legs
2) sore mouth of sheep
ec·thy·ma·tous ek-'thim-ət-əs, -'thīm- adj

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an infection of the skin caused by both Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. The full thickness of the epidermis is involved (compare impetigo, which is a superficial infection). Ecthyma heals slowly and causes scarring. It may be associated with poor hygiene or depressed immunity.

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ec·thy·ma (ek-thiґmə) [Gr. ekthyma] an ulcerative pyoderma usually caused by infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci at the site of minor trauma; the usual site is on the shins or the backs of the feet, and it may or may not leave a scar upon healing.

Medical dictionary. 2011.