
Involuntary parrotlike repetition of a word or sentence just spoken by another person. Usually seen with schizophrenia. SYN: echo reaction, echo speech, echophrasia. [echo + G. lalia, a form of speech]

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echo·la·lia .ek-ō-'lā-lē-ə n the often pathological repetition of what is said by other people as if echoing them
echo·lal·ic -'lal-ik adj

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pathological repetition of the words spoken by another person. It may be a symptom of language disorders, autism, catatonia, or Gilles de la Tourette syndrome.

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echo·la·lia (ek″o-laґle-ə) [echo + lal- + -ia] stereotyped repetition of another person's words or phrases, seen in catatonic schizophrenia, Gilles de la Tourette syndrome, and neurological disorders such as transcortical aphasia. Called also echophrasia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.