
Occlusion of all or most of the blood vessel s to any part or organ. [L. de, away, + vasculum, small vessel, + G. izo, to cause]

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de·vas·cu·lar·iza·tion or Brit de·vas·cu·lar·isa·tion (.)dē-.vas-kyə-lə-rə-'zā-shən n loss of the blood supply to a bodily part due to destruction or obstruction of blood vessels
de·vas·cu·lar·ized or Brit de·vas·cu·lar·ised -'vas-kyə-lə-.rīzd adj

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de·vas·cu·lar·iza·tion (de-vas″ku-lər-ĭ-zaґshən) interruption of the circulation of blood to a part caused by obstruction or destruction of the blood vessels supplying it. See also ischemia.

Medical dictionary. 2011.