
1. Removal of lime or calcium salts, chiefly tricalcium phosphate, from bones and teeth, either in vitro or in vivo as a result of a pathologic process. 2. Precipitation of calcium from blood as by oxalate or fluoride, or the conversion of blood calcium to an un-ionized form as by citrate, thus preventing or delaying coagulation. [L. de-, away, + calx (calc-), lime, + facio, to make]

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de·cal·ci·fi·ca·tion (.)dē-.kal-sə-fə-'kā-shən n the removal or loss of calcium or calcium compounds (as from bones or soil)
de·cal·ci·fy (')dē-'kal-sə-.fī vt, -fied; -fy·ing

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loss or removal of calcium salts from a bone or tooth.

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de·cal·ci·fi·ca·tion (de-kal″sĭ-fĭ-kaґshən) 1. the loss of calcium salts from a bone or tooth. 2. the process of removing calcareous matter.

Medical dictionary. 2011.