
A cold in the head. The word “coryza” came from the Greek “koryza” which is thought to have been compounded from “kara”, head + “zeein”, to boil. The “boiling over from the head” refers to the runny nose, an all-too-familiar feature of a head cold.
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SYN: acute rhinitis. [G.]
- allergic c. SYN: hay fever.

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co·ry·za kə-'rī-zə n an acute inflammatory contagious disease involving the upper respiratory tract:
b) any of several diseases of domestic animals characterized by inflammation of and discharge from the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, sinuses, and eyes esp INFECTIOUS CORYZA
co·ry·zal -zəl adj

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a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose due to either a cold or hay fever. See also catarrh.

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co·ry·za (ko-riґzə) [L., from Gr. koryza] acute rhinitis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.