A specific substance, which may or may not be antibody, that inhibits or prevents the functions of cells, causes destruction of cells, or both. SEE ALSO: perforin. [cyto- + G. toxikon, poison]
- vero c. a cell c. produced by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli that appears to contribute to the occurrence of hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. SYN: Shigalike toxin.
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cy·to·tox·in .sīt-ə-'täk-sən n a substance (as a toxin or antibody) having a toxic effect on cells
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cy·to·tox·in (siґto-tok″sin) [cyto- + toxin] a toxin or antibody that has a specific toxic action on cells of special organs; cytotoxins are named according to the special variety of cell for which they are specific, as nephrotoxin.Medical dictionary. 2011.