
1. [NA] SYN: cuticle (1). 2. SYN: epidermis. [L. cuticle]
- c. 2
- c. dentis SYN: enamel cuticle.
- c. pili a layer of overlapping shinglelike cells that invest the hair cortex and serve to enclose the cortical cells of the hair and lock the hair shaft in its follicle. SYN: cuticle of hair.
- c. vaginae folliculi pili cuticle of overlapping shinglelike cells lining the follicle of the hair. SYN: cuticle of root sheath.

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cu·tic·u·la (ku-tikґu-lə) pl. cuticґulae [L. “little skin”] a horny secreted layer.

Medical dictionary. 2011.