
Conjoined twins with fused skulls. See conjoined twins, under twin. SEE ALSO: janiceps, syncephalus. [cranio- + G. pagos, something fixed]
- c. occipitalis conjoined twins united at the occipital region of the skull. SYN: iniopagus.
- c. parasiticus a variety of c. in which one fetus is rudimentary in form and parasitic on the other. SEE ALSO: epicomus.

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cra·ni·op·a·gus .krā-nē-'äp-ə-gəs n, pl -a·gi -ə-.jē, -.jī a pair of twins joined at the heads

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Siamese twins united by their heads.

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cra·ni·op·a·gus (kra″ne-opґə-gəs) [cranio- + -pagus] conjoined twins united by the heads; called also cephalopagus.

Medical dictionary. 2011.