1. A reckoning, enumeration, or accounting. 2. To enumerate or score.
- Addis c. a quantitative enumeration of the red blood c., white blood c., and casts in a 12-hr urine specimen; used to follow the progress of known renal disease.
- Arneth c. the percentage distribution of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, based on the number of lobes in the nuclei (from 1 to 5). SEE ALSO: Arneth index.
- CD4/CD8 c. The ratio of helper-inducer T lymphocytes to cytotoxic-suppressor T lymphocytes in peripheral blood. T-cell subset analysis is performed by flow cytometry of lymphocytes after incubation with fluorescently tagged monoclonal antibodies to the CD4 surface antigen found on helper-inducer T cells and the CD8 surface antigen found on cytotoxic-suppressor T cells. In healthy persons, the CD4/CD8 ratio ranges between 1.6 and 2.2.
- epidermal ridge c. an index of the frequency of sweat pores on the fingertips by enumeration along a set of arbitrarily defined lines; a classic example of a galtonian trait determined almost exclusively by genetic factors.
- filament-nonfilament c. a differential c. of the number of neutrophils showing nuclear division and those showing no such division.
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count 'kau̇nt vt to indicate or name by units or groups so as to find the total number of units involved
count n
1 a) the action or process of counting
b) a total obtained by counting
2) the total number of individual things in a given unit or sample (as of blood) obtained by counting all or a subsample of them see ADDIS COUNT, BLOOD COUNT, CELL COUNT, RED BLOOD COUNT, WHITE COUNT
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(kount) [L. computare to reckon] a numerical computation or indication.Medical dictionary. 2011.