
In optics, those points on each retina that have the same visual direction.
- abnormal c. SYN: anomalous retinal c..
- anomalous retinal c. abnormal c., a condition, frequent in strabismus, in which corresponding retinal points do not have the same visual direction; the fovea of one eye corresponds to an extrafoveal area of the fellow eye. SYN: abnormal c..
- dysharmonious retinal c. a type of anomalous retinal c. in which the angle of the visual direction of the two retinas is different from the objective angle of the strabismus.
- harmonious retinal c. a type of anomalous retinal c. in which the angle of the visual direction of the two retinas is equal to the objective angle of strabismus.

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cor·re·spon·dence (kor″ə-sponґdəns) [L. correspondēre to answer, to correspond] the condition of being in agreement, or conformity.

Medical dictionary. 2011.