
The formation of solid material by aggregation of discrete units or particles. [L. cum, together, + crescere, to grow]

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con·cre·tion kän-'krē-shən, kən- n a hard usu. inorganic mass (as a bezoar or tophus) formed in a living body

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a stony mass formed within such an organ as the kidney, especially the coating of an internal organ (or a foreign body, such as a urinary catheter) with calcium salts. See also calculus.

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con·cre·tion (kən-kreґshən) [L. concretio, from concrescere to grow together] 1. a calculus or inorganic mass in a natural cavity or in tissue. 2. abnormal union of adjacent parts. 3. the process of becoming harder or more solid.

Medical dictionary. 2011.